The history of reputation management today- was initially intended to broaden public relations outside of media relations. There have been studies showing a driving force, behind Fortune 500 corporations- since the 21st Century. As the Social Media and the Internet becomes more popular- the importance of review sites, electronic communication, and top search results are key.
These days, brands are using reputation management today- to improve their company’s reviews and to bring them positive results.
A survey by found that 1-4 hiring managers, utilized service engines to screen employers. Once in ten, also checked individual profiles on their social network pages- to determine whether they would be good candidates for their company. According to a December 2007 survey, by the Ponemon Institute- they indicated that half of U. S. hiring officials use the internet to verify job applicants.
Reputation Management shapes the public perception of your organization by influence- online information and other ways to move your company brand to a positive entity. Their aim is to monitor and address content, which could potentially damage it- by using positive solutions to down out negative ones.
Make sure your company consider ethical methods to draw the line between disclosures, censorship, and contracts. A lot of firms avoid individuals that committed crimes, or has past inflammatory backgrounds that may cast a negative outlook on their company’s brand. As the industry develops, many companies have become more standardized when implementing ethic rules. The use of automation by review sites like Yelp, has shown court cases dismissed. sued a reputation management company for posting fake reviews. These lawsuits indicate that reviews sites and other industry leaders are bringing more transparency to their company brand. They are limiting manipulation by company’s that are paid by business consumers to boost their ratings or suppress negative or artificial reviews. Be careful of fake reviews, that could damage and cause harm to your reputation in the world of the review industry.
The transparency factor has led many companies to fall in their quest to be more honest and trustworthy. If you and your company accept feedback, opinions, or suggestions- you could face a negative result that may hurt your business brand. Therefore, you should create a strategy to help you with the criticisms, negativity, and competitions in the digital world.
A positive approach to monitoring your public reputation on a daily basis- will help solve many problems. Social media monitoring can be professional and effective- if you use a Reputation Management today tool, to deal with negative comments, tweets, or replies that may be harmful to your business. Do not take negative reviews for granted. These defamatory remarks can be damaging. There are many websites that give you bad reviews- such as Pissed Consumers and Ripp- Off Report, which provide a platform for hate and bad comments.
It is imperative to utilize a Reputation Management today tool, to attack your brand’s image and monitor threats that could cause your company to lose customers- or go out of business.
Transparency is important, but negativity is also critical.